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5 Most Profitable Freelance Writing Niches

What Topics To Write About

The Most Lucrative Freelance Writing Niches

Wondering what the most profitable freelance writing niches are that you should target to get high paying freelance writing jobs?

These are arguably the most lucrative niche topics to write about to get the best content writing jobs.

Furthermore by combining your expertise, or hobby, with one of these topics to write about, would be your best strategy for a lucrative freelance writing career.

1. Sales & Marketing

This is one of the most profitable niche topics to write about.

Not only is it an extremely broad niche, but there are always content writing jobs available in the sub-niches too.

However, when writing content for a client in the marketing niche, it’s important to know your subject thoroughly.

Furthermore, one of the biggest obstacles when taking on freelance writing jobs in the  marketing niche is not conveying the message effectively.

Therefore, when marketing a particular product or service, the problem needs to be clearly identified and backed up with the perfect solution in your marketing copy.

Lastly, the “solution” would involve your client’s product or service.

Get that right and you won’t have any problem getting high paying content writing jobs as there’s a high demand for freelance writers in this niche.

2. Health

The health niche is not only massive, but also has high demand for quality freelance writers.

There are also highly profitable freelance writing niches within the main niche, for instance;

  • Women’s health
  • Weight loss
  • Anti-aging
  •  Nutrition
  • Fitness
  • Body building
  • Diabetes
  • Diet (Paleo, Keto, Mediterranean, Plant-based, etc.)
  • Cannabis, CBD Oil – this is one of the top writing niches right now.
  • Home remedies & treatments
If you’re a qualified nutritionist or medical practioner then you’ll have no problem exploiting this writing niche as you’ll have the authority to boost your credibility in this writing niche.

3. Personal Finance

When it comes to profitable freelance writing niches, this niche is huge.

The demand for content writers is really big probably because this niche consists of so many large sub-niches as follows;

  • Debt management
  • Loans & personal credit
  • Budgeting
  • Stocks
  • Retirement funding
  • Money management
  • Wealth creation

This list isn’t exhaustive but I’m sure you get the picture.

It’s not necessary, but if you have some sort of financial qualification, or degree, you’ll naturally have more authority as a content writer & get more profitable writing gigs.

4. Self Improvement

The self improvement market is worth over $10 billion in the US, and growing.

It’s therefore clear to see that there will be a multiple niche topics to write about within this market.

For instance, these freelance writing niches could be any of the following;

  • Self improvement books & articles
  • Personal coaching
  • Weight loss programs
  • Material for Holistic Institutes & Training Companies
  • Wealth creation
  • Motivational material

To illustrate this niche opportunity, you only have to think of Dale Carnegie’s famous book “How to Win Friends and Influence People“.

This was one of the original self-help books that helped millions of people whilst making Dale Carnegie a household name & multi-millionaire in the process I would think.

Another one was Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich” which provided a step-by-step plan to increase your personal income.

5. Technology

If you have specialized knowledge in any technical area, for instance in the IT industry, you will find it easy to get high paying writing gigs.

In most technology niches you’ll have the opportunity of writing any of the following;

  • a white paper – an expert report on a subject you’re an authority on.
  • a case study – a comprehensive study of a person, group or event.
  • blog posts like these examples found at TechRepublic.
  • website copy for tech sites.

If you expose your portfolio to the right companies, you could develop an extremely lucrative freelance writing career for yourself.

Lastly, if working remotely appeals to you, you don’t have to limit yourself to just copywriting.

You can get just about any type of online job that you can do anywhere in the world and get paid in USD.

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  • Experience Not Necessary
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